Entertainment Editors
With today's launch of InstrumentExchange.com, musicians now have a specialty online marketplace where they can buy and sell almost any type of musical instrument and gear with an ironclad guarantee.
Thousands of musical instruments are listed including rare and collectible items.
"The musical instrument industry is massive, but until now, there hasn't been a comprehensive online marketplace for musicians and retailers," said Larry Tedesco, President/CEO of InstrumentExchange.com. "InstrumentExchange.com is a full service auction specializing in musical instruments and gear only and is built by musicians for musicians. The site's time-saving technology is easier to use and offers the most product information available anywhere. It's clear that musicians prefer to shop at specialty music stores versus general retailers. The same holds true for online auctions - musicians now have a specialty auction focused exclusively on musical instruments and gear."
Unique Guarantee: InstrumentExchange.com provides its customers a comfort level by being the only Internet auction site for musical instruments that offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, typically only found at traditional retailers. Buyers have 48 hours to inspect instruments/gear before payment is final. Unlike general, self-serve auctions, InstrumentExchange.com
collects payments for all completed orders and guarantees sellers' payments.
InstrumentExchange.com's BlueBook: Provides comprehensive pricing information for used instruments/gear and is projected to become the industry aftermarket pricing standard.
The Review Section: Musicians rate instruments and equipment they use, providing a wealth of hands-on product information for other shoppers.
Get the Best Price via The Request Program: This innovative program empowers musicians to submit requests for the instruments/gear they want at their desired price. InstrumentExchange.com routes these requests to its national network of retailers who fill the requests daily.
No listing fees: Customers can list as many items for auction as they like without charge.
Centralized, Guaranteed Shipping: Via a unique partnership with FedEx, buyers and sellers enjoy easy to arrange, discounted shipping as well as full compensation for any damage in transit.
Customer Communication: Customer issues/complaints are resolved quickly and seamlessly through a fully developed, automated online arbitration service. The system keeps individuals' identities private.
Secure payment: InstrumentExchange.com utilizes the standard in Internet credit card security, Verisign. SSL encryption protects all credit card numbers. InstrumentExchange.com stores no credit card numbers, eliminating any subsequent accessibility to customers' secure information.
Privacy: No account information is sold or made available to companies not affiliated with InstrumentExchange.com.
InstrumentExchange.com is the premier online auction marketplace for new and used musical instruments and gear. Based in Atlanta, GA, parent company ExchangeBlvd.com also operates the highly successful GolfClubExchange.com - the largest golf club auction in the world. The company is expanding its specialty auction site lineup with the planned addition of PhotographyExchange.com, HomeHiFiExchange.com and other sites in 2003.
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