Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Backdated pay rise next month for NHS workers Around 140,000 NHS staff will next month receive a 2.5% pay rise backdated to April, it was to be announced today.

Around 140,000 NHS staff will next month receive a 2.5% pay risebackdated to April, it was to be announced today.

And Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon was also due to tell a conference today she was "concerned" the pay award had not beenimplemented sooner.

Speaking about the backdated rise, she said: "I hope that thisdecision demonstrates that I greatly value the commitment, dedicationand professionalism of NHS Scotland staff."

The pledge was to come in her first major speech to an NHSgathering since her appointment.

Her Labour predecessor, Andy Kerr, announced in March that nursesand other health workers would receive a 2.5% pay rise in two …

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