Sunday, March 4, 2012

WARNING: PCs Can Be Hazardous to Your Health.(Brief Article)

Unless one happens to drop on your head, personal computers can t kill you. But they can hurt you pretty badly. In fact, computers can be a pain in the neck, the back, the wrists and the eyes.

Every year, nearly 2 million people suffer work-related musculoskeletal disorders, including repetitive strain injury caused by computer use, according to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

I've experienced my own fair share of computer-related maladies as a result of spending long hours evaluating hardware, software and Web sites, and from reading online publications, exchanging e-mail and participating in online discussions.

OSHA has flip-flopped recently on whether employers are responsible for the ergonomic health of PC-using employees who work in home offices, first ruling they were, then backing off. …

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